Fireworks can be particularly stressful for pets, especially since they produce loud sounds, vibrations and bright flashes. Here are some tips that I have implemented to help keep our pets calm during fireworks. I know first hand how bad our pets can get, from being physically sick, to shaking so hard the sofa vibrated, to it affecting them for days or weeks after.
1. Prepare a Safe Space
Create a quiet, cosy area where your pet feels secure. You could use a crate that's covered with a blanket, a spare room, or even a corner with their bed and blankets.
For reptiles, close blinds or curtains to reduce bright flashes and keep their environment as consistent as possible. Covering their enclosure isn't the safest option due to heat lamps and lights, which would cause a fire!
2. Muffle the Sound
Play calming music or white noise such as the TV or radio, to help mask the loud bangs. Classical music, in particular, has a soothing effect on many pets.
For dogs and cats, ensure windows and doors are closed to minimize the noise.
3. Provide Comfort
Staying with your pet(s) if you can, your presence and company can offer reassurance.
For more anxious animals, consider calming aids like pet-safe pheromone sprays or anxiety wraps.
4. Stick to Routines
Keep to your usual routine with feeding, walks, and playtime to maintain a sense of normalcy, which can be very reassuring. Just arrange the daily walks before dark to avoid fireworks, also giving your dog a carbohydrate rich meal with cooked pasta or rice, can help to make them feel sleepy with any luck, feed this meal in the late afternoon to avoid any sickness.
5. Avoid Reactions
Try not to overreact to the fireworks yourself, this is extremely hard I know as this could reinforce their anxiety. Stay calm and interact normally, so they pick up on your relaxed behaviour. Also, please try not to shout at your pet, this will have a damaging affect on you and your pets relationship which nobody wants. They can not help these fears and anxiety's and are looking to you, us, to help them through this stressful experience!
With a few preparations, you can help make fireworks a bit more bearable for your pets.
Please don't go out and leave them alone to cope, it's stressful enough without the added anxiety of not having you home!